Privacy policy

Four North Stockholm AB (“Vogue Scandinavia”, “we”, “us”) is a privately-owned company and the publisher of Vogue Scandinavia.
Vogue Scandinavia is committed to protecting your privacy and it is important to us that you feel safe when using our products and services. With this privacy notice, we would like to make sure that you understand how we process your personal data and how we ensure that your personal data is being processed in a lawful and responsible manner. This privacy notice also describes your rights as a data subject and how these rights can be exercised.
If you have any questions about how your personal data is processed, you can contact us via the contact details below in section 7.

What does personal data processing mean?

‘Personal Data' is any information that may be directly or indirectly attributed to you. For example, your name, address, telephone number, picture and e-mail address. Even information which cannot in itself identify you may be personal data if this can be attributed to you in combination with other information.
’Controller' is the organisation that decides the purposes and means of processing the personal data, i.e. how and why the personal data processing is carried out.
‘Data Processing’ means all actions taken with your personal data. For example, collection, registration, storage and structuring.

2. What personal data do we process and why?

Vogue Scandinavia (Four North Stockholm AB, org. nr. 559232-4338, Linnégatan 89b, 115 23 Stockholm) is the controller for the personal data that we receive from you or collect about you. This means that we are responsible for processing your personal data in accordance with applicable law, including the General Data Protection Regulation (the "GDPR").

Our processing of your personal data will vary depending on which of our products and services you decide to use. Below you will find information on our personal data processing when you visit (the “Website”) as a non-signed in visitor (2.1), as a signed in visitor (2.2), as an exclusive member (2.3) and/or a physical magazine subscriber or purchaser (2.4). You will also find information about how your personal data is processed when you subscribe to our newsletter 2.5, interact with us on social media (2.6), contact our customer service (2.7) and the processing carried out by us to fulfil our legal obligations as a company (2.8).

2.1 Non-signed in Visitor

When you visit the Website, we will process information about your click and visit history, technical data from the devices you used (i.e. IP address, operating system, language, browser setting), information of which cookies you have consented to, information about where you are when you visit our website, how long you have visited different parts of the website and if you have encountered any technical problems. We do this for the purpose of improving our services and the website.

Collection and Sharing:
As described above, the information is generated by you when visiting the website, and we do not collect identifiable information about you from elsewhere. The data may be shared with third parties who provides the cookies used on the Website. Please read our Cookie Policy under 8 for more information.

Legal ground:
To the extent the above described information is identifiable, we process such personal data based on our legitimate interest. In concluding that an interest of ours is legitimate, we always take into account the negative and positive effects of the processing on your rights, freedoms and privacy.

Our retention periods for this data can be found under 8 Cookie Policy.

2.2 Signed in Visitor

In addition to what is described under 2.1 above, if you choose to sign in as a visitor, allowing you to access additional content, we will ask you to provide your e-mail address and a password. We may also process your purchase history, purchase and user generated data (click history), and place of residence/country, as from time to time may be provided by you, in order to provide you with information and offers that may be of interest to you and to make sure that you are getting the most out of your visits to the Website. If you buy anything from our Website, we will also process your data according to the information under 2.3.

Collection and Sharing:
As described above, the information will be collected from you directly. The personal data collected when you sign in will be shared with third parties helping us to improve our services. We may also share your personal data with third parties helping us to tailor and administer offers that may be of interest to you.

Legal ground:
When processing your personal data as a signed in visitor, do so on the basis of our legitimate interests in processing your personal data in a way which can be expected in the running of Vogue Scandinavia. In concluding that an interest of ours is legitimate, we always take into account the negative and positive effects of the processing on your rights, freedoms and privacy. We may ask you to provide your consent for specific personal data processing. If we do, we will also explain how this consent can be withdrawn.

We will store your email address for as long it is necessary to provide you access to the content. We will store your email address for 24 months since the last time you signed into your account to ensure that you do not lose access to content.

2.3 Exclusive Member

When you become an exclusive member of Vogue Scandinavia, or purchase anything through the Website, we may ask you to provide your name, telephone number, e-mail, payment information. We will also process information about the specific membership/purchase/order. We do this so that we can give you access to the products you have paid for and so that you can choose between different payment methods. In addition, we may process your purchase history, purchase and user generated data (click history) and place of residence/country, as from time to time may be provided by you, in order to send out information about events and offers that may be of interest to you.

Collection and Sharing:
As described above, the information will be collected from you directly. The personal data collected will be shared with the e-commerce platform and the payment solution platform used on the Website. Only personal data which is necessary to administer your purchase and enable you to choose a payment solution will be shared with third parties. We may also share your personal data with third parties helping us to tailor and administer offers that may be of interest to you.

In order to offer you the Klarna payment methods, we may need to share your personal information in the form of contact information and order information, so that Klarna will be able to assess your eligibility for the different payment methods, as well as customizing them on your behalf. Your personal information being shared will be processed according to Klarna's own privacy and data protection policy.

Legal ground:
When we process your personal data to handle a purchase or order, we do so in order to fulfil our obligations in the agreement between you and Vogue Scandinavia. If we cannot process this personal data, you may not be able to complete the purchase or order. When processing your personal data to provide offers that may be of interest to you, we do so on the basis of our legitimate interests. We may also ask you to provide your consent for specific personal data processing. If we do, we will also explain how this consent can be withdrawn.

The personal data we collect about you will be stored for as long as it is necessary, i.e. until payment is completed and to verify your information. We also store all personal data up to 24 months after it has been collected to ensure that you can get access to purchase history.

2.4 Magazine Purchasers and Subscribers

When you purchase the Vogue Scandinavia Magazine through the Website, we will ask you to provide your name, telephone number, e-mail, payment information and address. We will also process information about your purchase or subscription. We do this so that we can administer the purchase and send you the magazine to your chosen location. In addition, we may process your purchase history, purchase and user generated data (click history) and place of residence/country, as from time to time may be provided by you, in order to send out information about events and offers that may be of interest to you.

Collection and Sharing:
As described above, the information will be collected from you directly. Your personal data will be shared with the e-commerce platform and payment solutions used on the Website, as necessary to administer the purchase and enable you to choose a payment solution. In order to deliver the magazine to you, we will share your address and contact details with the shipping company used by us to send you the magazine. We may also share your personal data with third parties helping us to tailor and administer offers that may be of interest to you.

In order to offer you the Klarna payment methods, we may need to share your personal information in the form of contact information and order information, so that Klarna will be able to assess your eligibility for the different payment methods, as well as customizing them on your behalf. Your personal information being shared will be processed according to Klarna's own privacy and data protection policy.

Legal ground:
When we process your personal data to handle a purchase or order, we do so in order to fulfil our obligations in the agreement between you and Vogue Scandinavia. If we cannot process this personal data, you may not be able to complete the purchase or order. When processing your personal data to provide offers that may be of interest to you, we do so on the basis of our legitimate interests. We may also ask you to provide your consent for specific personal data processing. If we do, we will also explain how this consent can be withdrawn.

The personal data we collect about you will be stored for as long as it is necessary, i.e. until payment and shipment is completed and to verify your information. We also store all personal data up to 24 months after your last purchase order or the end of your subscription, to ensure that you can get access to purchase history and to send you offers that may be of interest to you.

2.5 Newsletter

In addition to what is described under 2.1 above, if you have chosen to receive news and offers from us, we will ask you to provide your e-mail address. We may also process your user generated data (click history) and place of residence/country, as from time to time may be provided by you, in order to send out information about our news and offers that may be of particular interest to you. All communication from Vogue Scandinavia to you via e-mail will always include a link in which you can choose to unsubscribe to future communication.

Collection and Sharing:
As described above, the information will be collected from you directly. The personal data collected when you sign in will be shared with third parties helping us to tailor and administer the marketing to you.

Legal ground:
When processing your personal data to provide news and offers to you, we do so on the basis of our legitimate interests in processing your personal data in a way which can be expected in the running of Vogue Scandinavia. In concluding that an interest of ours is legitimate, we always take into account the negative and positive effects of the processing on your rights, freedoms and privacy. We may ask you to provide your consent for specific personal data processing.

We will store your email address for as long it is necessary to deliver the news and offers requested by you. If you choose to unsubscribe to a newsletter or other communication from us, we will store your e-mail address for 24 months to ensure that we will comply with your request.

2.6 Social Media

If you elect to interact with us or our representatives on social media channels, we may contact you back on such channels in the same manner as described regarding our email newsletter above.

2.7 Customer Service

When you contact our customer service with questions or for other support, we may process your name and contact information, previous messages and notes on the matter, information about the specific purchase/order and other information that you may provide us with and that may be relevant to your matter. This personal data is processed so that we can offer you the best possible customer service and to ensure that it is you who bought the product/placed the order that the matter concerns.

Collection and Sharing:
As described above, the information will be collected from you directly, either at the time of your inquiry or when you completed a purchase order. We may share your personal data with IT suppliers, shipping or payment providers if it is necessary to assit with your inquiry.

Legal ground:
When we process your personal data to assist with a customer service matter, we do so on the basis of our legitimate interests.

The personal data we collect about you will be stored for as long as it is necessary, i.e. until the customer service matter is closed. We may store the personal data for 24 months since the closure of the customer service matter for reference if it is necessary to defend ourselves from future claims.

2.8 Vogue Scandinavia's Legal Obligations

We may process data about your name, contact information, payment history/information, information about your purchases and customer service matters in order to fulfil our legal obligations according to, among other things, the Swedish Accounting Act and laws and regulations on product liability and product safety.

Collection and Sharing:
Vogue Scandinavia will collect most of the personal data mentioned above directly from you. We may also collect your address information from public records and credit information from credit bureaus and banks. We may share your personal data with third parties, such as the swedish tax authority, if necessary to fulfil our legal obligations.

The personal data we collect and process about you will be stored for as long as it is necessary to fulfil the specific legal requirement.

3 Personal data of Children

The services and products of Vogue Scandinavia are aimed at people over 18 and because of that, we do not knowingly collect and process personal data from children.

If you are under 13, we ask that you do not submit your personal data to us. If you are over 13 but under 18, we request that you ask your guardian for approval before you submit any personal data to us.

If you are a guardian and you believe that your child has provided personal data to us without your approval, please contact us using the contact details in section 11 below.

4 Do we share your personal data?

In order for us to offer you our services and products, it will in some cases be necessary for us to share your personal data with other companies. Companies that process your personal data on our behalf and according to our instructions are called processors. The processor will always enter into a data processing agreement with us to ensure that a high level of protection is maintained for your personal data.

We share your personal data with our processors as described under Section 2 above.

In some cases, we will share your personal data with companies that are considered independent controllers once they have taken part of your personal data. This means that we no longer determine how your personal data is being processed. This is the case, for example, when you click on an affiliate link which will take you to another website. This is also the case when we share your personal data with companies who handle general shipment of packages and some companies that offer payment solutions. This privacy notice only contains information of how Vogue Scandinavia processes your personal data, so we encourage you to read the privacy notice on the other websites you visit.

We may also share personal data with a third party (such as the police, the tax authority or any other authority) in the case of a criminal investigation or if we are otherwise obliged to provide such information under law or a governmental decision.

5 Where do we process your personal data?

Vogue Scandinavia strives to only process your personal data within the EU/EEA, however, your information may need to be shared with a supplier or a subcontractor outside the EU/EEA, for example for support of our IT systems. If so, we will take the necessary steps to ensure that your data is processed at the same level of protection as within the EU/EEA. If you have any questions about the security measures taken, you are welcome to contact us.

6 What are your rights?

Right to information. You have the right to be informed about how your personal data is processed and why. This information is provided through this privacy notice and when your personal data is collected.

Right to access. You have the right to request access to the personal data processed about you at any time in accordance with GDPR.

Right to rectification. If you suspect that the personal data that we process is incorrect, you have the right to request that your personal data is corrected.

Right to deletion. In some cases, you have the right to request that we delete your personal data.

Right to restriction. You have the right to restrict our processing of your personal data, for example through unsubscribing to our newsletter or amending your cookie settings in your browser.

Right to data portability. In some cases, you can request for your data to be provided to you in a portable format and to transmit this to another controller.

Right to object. You have the right to object to Vogue Scandinavia’s processing of your personal data.

If you wish to exercise any of your rights or if you have any questions on Vogue Scandinavia’s processing of your personal data, please contact us via the contact details below.

You also have the right to submit a complaint to your relevant supervisory authority for data protection if you believe that your personal data is being processed in violation of the applicable data protection legislation. in Sweden, the data protection authority is “Integritetsskyddsmyndigheten (“IMY”)”.

7 How do you contact Vogue Scandinavia?

If you have any questions about how we process your personal data, please contact us via the following contact information:

Vogue Scandinavia
Four North Stockholm AB
Box 5072
102 42 Stockholm

Email us.

8 What are cookies?

A cookie is a small text file which is stored on the device you use to visit the website. The cookie enables the website to recognise and collect information about your device, browser, IP-address, operating system and visited websites or functions used.

The information collected is not intended to identify you as a person and will only identify the device you are using.

Why do we use cookies?

Most websites use cookies, and some cookies are even necessary to make the website function as intended. Cookies can also be used to gather information for the purposes of improving the website, tailoring adverts and content on the website and evaluating the success of campaigns or advertising on the website.

How can you accept or reject the use of cookies?

We are currently working on updating our cookie consent functionality in order for you to further remain in control over exactly what cookies you will be subject to and not. While at the moment this functionality is not yet available, we ask you to have patience and contact us should you have any requests or questions regarding how we use cookies. You can find our contact information under 7.

All browsers allow you to reject cookies in the browser settings – these will vary depending on your browser. Note that a rejection of all cookies may affect the functionality of the website since no information can be collected from your device.

What cookies do we use and why?

Below you will see the cookies currently being used on the Website. We will not add any new cookies without updating this information first.

Name: cookie_consent
Use: Remember if a visitor has accepted or rejected the use of cookies.
Data owner: Vogue Scandinavia
Lifetime: 1 year
Third party privacy notice: N/A

Name: _ga
Use: Use to distinguish users
Data owner: Google Analytics
Lifetime: 1 day
Third party privacy notice

Name: _gid
Use: Use to distinguish users
Data owner: Google Analytics
Lifetime: 1 year
Third party privacy notice

Name: _gat
Use: Throttling request rate
Data owner: Google Analytics
Lifetime: 1 min
Third party privacy notice